Week 11

Fall 2023 AATC Doubles
Prev League begins on 9/17/2023 Next
Sunday Week 11 of 10 11/26/2023
After today there are  -1 weeks left
Next Wk Court # Skill Name Score Skill Name Score
Move 6:00 PM
W=Stay 6 1 Andrew I and Hannah P   2 Chih Lin  
L=Down 3 Anthony N and Tom R   4 Alexander Fabiszewski  
W=Up 5 5 Jim Douglass   6 Fangbo Yuan  
L=Down 7 Ryan Hutchinson   8 Kartheek G and Joel A  
W=Up 4 9 Tyler Bunday   10 Paul Resnick  
L=Stay 11 Jason Lee   12 Nathan Moseley  
W=Stay 3 13 Robert T and Tim B   14 Jeff Rearick  
L=Down 15 Paul McVey   16 Scott J and Tim K   
W=Up 2 17 Egor Alekseev   18 Kamran Diba  
L=Stay 19 Michael Bloom   20 Darcy Arnold  
W=Stay 1 21 Vee and Zak Vergotine   22 Dave Fienup  
L=Down 23 Mike Wynn   24 Vijay Sankaran  
Next Court #
Move 7:30 PM
W=Up 6 25 John Currie   26 John Paul Gierarch  
L=Stay 27 Gary Kade   28 Jeff Linden  
W=Stay 5 29 Michael Crosby   30 Vivek Sankaran  
L=Down 31 Daniel Barbossa   32 Lamberto Gallarin  
W=Up 4 33 Brian Nemerovski   34 Eugene Karimov  
L=Stay 35 Michael Coffey   36 Moe Hakim  
W=Stay 3 37 Steve Armstrong   38 Craig Kaiser  
L=Down 39 Marj D'Alecy   40 Alan Weintraub  
W=Up 2 41 Aaron J and Lucy C   42 Brian Smith  
L=Down 43 Eitan Halpern   44 Vivien Gierarch  
W=Up 1 45 Lori Sella-Armstrong   46 Paul Shen  
L=Stay 47 Bridget He   48 Nick Ehringer  
Record your score (subs get one point less). Sum of all points per court
should add up to 42 (court scores are either all EVEN or all ODD).