Week 1

Spring 2024 AATC Doubles
Prev League begins on 3/10/2024 Next
Sunday Week 1 of 9 3/10/2024
After today there are  8 weeks left
Next Wk Court # Skill Name Score Skill Name Score
Move 6:00 PM
W=Stay 6 1 Mike F and Noe E 8 2 Daniel F and Tyler B 14
L=Down 3 Andrew I and Anthony N 10 4 Jim D and James R 9
W=Up 5 5 Jeff Rearick 10 6 Egor Alekseev 6
L=Down 7 Tom R and Ryan H 10 8 Jason Lee 16
W=Up 4 9 Michael Bloom 10 10 Kartheek G and Joel A 14
L=Stay 11 Quentin Cotton 12 12 Vee and Zak Vergotine 6
W=Stay 3 13 Dave Fienup 7 14 Mike Wynn 15
L=Down 15 Vijay Sankaran 7 16 Paul Resnick 13
W=Up 2 17 John Currie 7 18 Kamran D and Alex F 15
L=Stay 19 Gary Kade 9 20 Jeff Clark 11
W=Stay 1 21 Jeff Linden 12 22 Aaron J and Lucy C 6
L=Down 23 Sid A and Pradeep B 16 24 Michael C and Tanner V 0
Next Court #
Move 7:30 PM
W=Up 6 25 Sarat Das 9 26 Michael Coffey 11
L=Stay 27 Scott Jacobs 15 28 Mark Massie 7
W=Stay 5 29 Jane Coffey 9 30 Victor Mendoza 13
L=Down 31 Kevin Pakravan 9 32 Marci Walker 11
W=Up 4 33 Bridget H and Eva B 8 34 Julie R and Janet J 10
L=Stay 35 Lori Sella-Armstrong 12 36 Murali Madireddi 12
W=Stay 3 37 Bryce C and John D 13 38 Patrick Drumm 9
L=Down 39 Craig Kaiser 11 40 Katherine Bauer 9
W=Up 2 41 Kristen Verhey 10 42 Will Birdsong 16
L=Stay 43 Barb Mintz 10 44 Marshell McCrary 6
Record your score (subs get one point less). Sum of all points per court
should add up to 42 (court scores are either all EVEN or all ODD).
Check for news on AATC website at aatennisclub.com