AATC (E-Club) Doubles League Sign-up Information
Signup process for Winter 2024-2025 Sunday Session is now open. For Saturday Signup Info
Please email aatennisclub@gmail.com if you want to be added to the waiting or sub list or looking to split a spot.
As of 11/5/24 there are 21 players signed up and 27 open spots
As of 11/8/24 there are 33 players signed up and 15 open spots
As of 11/9/24 there are 44 players signed up and 4 open spots
As of 11/11/24 there are 48 players signed up and 7 players on the waiting list
As of 11/20/24 there are 48 players signed up and 9 players on the waiting list
As of 11/22/24 there are 48 players signed up and 10 players on the waiting list
As of 11/27/24 there are 48 players signed up and 4 players on the waiting list
Session Details
There are 48 spots available for Sunday Session
Matches are at 6-7.30pm and 7.30-9pm depending on skill (top 24 players at 6pm and bottom 24 players 7.30pm)
As always - check AATC website for updates.
Dates: (10 weeks)
Start on Sunday December 1st thru Sunday December 22nd (4 weeks)
Break for Christmas and New Year
Resume on Sunday January 5th thru Sunday February 9th (6 weeks)
10-week session fees are $180 for a full spot or $95 for a split spot
Payment by venmo is preferred. Checks, cash, Zelle and Cash app are also accepted.
See "Payment Policy" for details on dealing with NSF checks.
The signup is on the first-come first-serve basis with no preferences given to prior or current players.
Note that the "no preference" rule applies to the players with credits from prior sessions.
Processing of signup requests will occur several times a week. Checks or cash (in an envelope with your name)
payments get processed ahead of email requests received the same day. Due to high demand for playing time
sharing of spots is encouraged and shared requests would be processed ahead of individual requests
received the same day.
Sunday session typically fills up within several days so do not delay signing up.
To sign up by venmo or zelle:
Send me session fee via venmo (To @Egor Alekseev AATC) or Zelle (my cell is 834 - 0 three 0 six)
If you are new to the league or making changes from the prior session - include a comment
with your NTRP rating, which session (Sunday) you want to play and your phone number
You are NOT signed up until you get a receipt and confirmation of signup by venmo or email.
To sign up by email:
Step 1) E-mail at aatennisclub@gmail.com to indicate your
desire to play. In your message indicate a) what session (Sunday) you want to sign up for;
b) if you are a new to the league - what is your approximate NTRP rating or level of play
(min of 2.5 NTRP required). If spots are still available you will receive payment instructions.
Your spot is not allocated until you get payment instructions.
Step 2) Send your payment per instructions. Wait for an email receipt.
You are NOT signed up until you get a receipt and confirmation of signup by email.
Waiting List
If your request to sign-up is received after all spots are already allocated your request will be placed
on the waiting list. In an event of cancellation or late payment previously allocated spots would be reassigned
to players on the waiting list. Generally, 1-2 cancellations are common, but not guaranteed.