Week 6

Ann Arbor Tennis Club Winter 2011-2012 League
Prev League begins on 12/4/11 Next
Sunday Week 6 of 10 1/22/12
After today there are  4 weeks left
Next Wk Court # Skill Name Score Skill Name Score
Move 6:00 PM
W=Stay 6 1 Snyder, Wayne 9 2 Douglas, James 11
L=Down 3 Alekseev, Egor 9 4 Rhodes, Tom/Mcvey, Paul 13
W=Up 5 5 Osofisan, Ademola 11 6 Brater, Jason  11
L=Stay 7 Bining, Nathan 11 8 Asthana, Siddhartha 9
W=Stay 4 9 Shiver, Charles 15 10 Bartolomeo, Rob 7
L=Down 11 Mull, Rouven/Meyers, Gus 11 12 Belcher, Tom 9
W=Up 3 13 Lewis, David 12 14 Tinney, Robert 12
L=Stay 15 Hoekstra, Martin 8 16 Curtis, Brooks 10
W=Stay 2 17 Burnstein, Michael 10 18 Koch, Stefan 8
L=Down 19 Zanellas, Sandy 10 20 Belcher, Kelly 14
W=Up 1 21 Riedel, Scott 11 22 Mirshah, Hassan 11
L=Stay 23 Ng, Jerome 12 24 Kaiser, Craig 7
Next Court #
Move 7:30 PM
W=Stay 6 25 Berla, Tim 11 26 Levin, Daniel 9
L=Down 27 Tsujioka, Fusaka/Clark, Kathy 11 28 Valenti, Dennis 11
W=Up 5 29 Hickman, David 9 30 Hartman, John 12
L=Stay 31 Haines, Iris/Tony 6 32 Vandecan, Nathalie 14
W=Stay 4 33 Haddox, Mark 9 34 Grofsorean, Michael  17
L=Down 35 Worman, Bruce 9 36 Alson, Diane 7
W=Up 3 37 Claunch, Nathan 6 38 Krauth, Laurie 11
L=Stay 39 Sigler, Kathy 9 40 Pearson, Carolyn 14
W=Stay 2 41 Weintraub, Alan 11 42 Cipolla, Cynthia  14
L=Down 43 Eisemann, Bernadette 4 44 Morr, Becky 10
W=Up 1 45 Melis, Michelle  12 46 Ehinger, Nick 11
L=Stay 47 Mintz,  Barb 8 48 Wiedmayer, Eric 10
Record your score (subs get one point less). Sum of all points per court should add up to 42 (court scores are either all EVEN or all ODD).
Check for news on AATC website at home.comcast.net/~aatennisclub/