Week 4

Winter 2014-2015 E-club Doubles
Prev League begins on 11/23/14 Next
Sunday Week 4 of 10 12/21/14
After today there are  6 weeks left
Next Wk Court # Skill Name Score Skill Name Score
Move 6:00 PM
W=Stay 6 1 Michael Funk 15 2 Tom Belcher 7
L=Down 3 Siddharta Asthana 13 4 Robert and Juan 7
W=Up 5 5 Paul and Tom 11 6 Rick Mintz 9
L=Down 7 James Douglass 11 8 John Currie 11
W=Up 4 9 Pinaki Mazumder 9 10 Jason Ness 7
L=Stay 11 Al Tamkus 14 12 Egor Alekseev 11
W=Stay 3 13 Pradeep Balakrishnan 14 14 Charles Shiver 11
L=Down 15 Scott Jacobs 11 16 Ryan Tait 0
W=Up 2 17 Dennis Valenti 16 18 Michael and Wayne 8
L=Stay 19 David Hickman 6 20 David Lewis 12
W=Stay 1 21 Michael Crosby 12 22 Michael Burnstein 4
L=Down 23 Ink Yoo 16 24 John Hartman 10
Next Court #
Move 7:30 PM
W=Up 6 25 Nathalie Vandecan 9 26 Yair Rivlin 8
L=Stay 27 Richard and John 0 28 Martin Hoekstra 11
W=Stay 5 29 Mark Haddox 13 30 Bruce Worman 10
L=Down 31 Mike Wynn 10 32 Kumar Krishnaswamy 8
W=Up 4 33 Kelly Belcher 9 34 Tim Berla 13
L=Stay 35 Kathy and Eddy 11 36 Huda and Bernadette 9
W=Stay 3 37 Diane Alson 12 38 Jim Wiedmayer 12
L=Down 39 Alan Weintraub 8 40 Vivien Gierach 10
W=Up 2 41 Eric Wiedmayer 10 42 Kendra Kerr 8
L=Down 43 Bernd Miller  18 44 Brian Smith 6
W=Up 1 45 Steve Kime 15 46 Cynthia Cippola 11
L=Stay 47 Nick Ehringer 5 48 Barb Mintz 11
Record your score (subs get one point less). Sum of all points per court
should add up to 42 (court scores are either all EVEN or all ODD).