Week 1

Winter 2024-2025 AATC Doubles
Prev League begins on 12/1/2024 Next
Sunday Week 1 of 10 12/1/2024
After today there are  9 weeks left
Next Wk Court # Skill Name Score Skill Name Score
Move 6:00 PM
W=Stay 6 1 Ryan Hutchinson 0 2 Max Shtein 11
L=Down 3 Jeff Rearick 9 4 Jim D and James R 13
W=Up 5 5 Tyler Bunday 13 6 Alexander Fabiszewski 9
L=Down 7 Andrew I and Anthony N 7 8 Fangbo Yuan 13
W=Up 4 9 Egor Alekseev 10 10 Max W and Evans B 8
L=Stay 11 Kartheek G and Joel A 10 12 Bret Schofield 13
W=Stay 3 13 Chih Lin 14 14 Scott Jacobs 8
L=Down 15 Edsel Witkowski 9 16 John Currie 10
W=Up 2 17 Gary Kade 8 18 Mike Wynn 0
L=Stay 19 Quentin Cotton 8 20 Vee V and Sarat D 12
W=Stay 1 21 Dave Fienup 0 22 Kamran D and Jeff C 9
L=Down 23 Jason Lee 13 24 Chao Huang 15
Next Court #
Move 7:30 PM
W=Up 6 25 Katie Sandison 18 26 Jeff Linden 8
L=Stay 27 Michael Coffey 10 28 Elise Gelsanliter 6
W=Stay 5 29 Richard Green 10 30 Vijay Sankaran 11
L=Down 31 Siva Senthooran 6 32 Trevor Outlaw 0
W=Up 4 33 Brian Nemerovski 10 34 Michael Crosby 14
L=Stay 35 Anurag M and Paul P 10 36 Aaron J and Lucy C 8
W=Stay 3 37 Lori Sella-Armstrong 9 38 Steven R and Bala K 13
L=Down 39 Kevin Pakravan 9 40 Jorge Carral 11
W=Up 2 41 Jane C and Jeannine L 12 42 Eugene Karimov 12
L=Stay 43 Adrienne S and Kathleen T 4 44 Karen Cheung 14
W=Up 2 45 Craig Kaiser 14 46 Kate B and Heather V 6
L=Stay 47 Sariem Am 8 48 Stephanie Burke 14
Record your score (subs get one point less). Sum of all points per court
should add up to 42 (court scores are either all EVEN or all ODD).
Check for news on AATC website at aatennisclub.com