Ann Arbor Local Tennis and PB News

New Pickleball Indoors Location

Varsity Pickleball Club

  • WHEN:March 15th
  • WHERE:Ypsilanti, former Fowling Club near Washtenaw and Golfside
  • 8 Indoor Courts
  • Temperature Controlled
  • Premium Court Surface and Nets
  • Professional Lighting and Dark Contrasting Backdrops

8th Annual City of Chelsea Tennis Tournament to support Make a Wish (Michigan)

  • WHEN:August 16-18th (Friday matches only if necessary)
  • WHERE:Chelsea High School (740 N Freer)
  • COST:$30 for Singles / $20 for Doubles (per person) / $40 for Singles AND Doubles
  • HOW TO ENTER: Email form to
  • Download registration form

Ann Arbor City Tennis 2024 Tournament

  • JULY 20 (BG 10U Green Ball / 14U)

Ann Arbor City Tennis 2023 Tournament

  • JULY 9 (BG 10U Green Ball / 14U)

6th Annual City of Chelsea Tennis Tournament to support Make a Wish (Michigan)

  • WHEN:August 5-7 (Friday matches only if necessary)
  • WHERE:Chelsea High School (740 N Freer) & Beach Middle School?
  • COST:$30 for Singles / $20 for Doubles (per person) / $40 for Singles AND Doubles
  • HOW TO ENTER: Mail entry form below to Brian Atkinson, 500 Washington St, Chelsea MI 48118, or email form to
  • Download registration form

Ann Arbor City Tennis 2022 Tournament

  • Deadline for Doubles is this Friday (7/1/22) - register here

Summer Tennis Opportunities

Tennis for Tomorrow Tennis for Tomorrow is a charity organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs to people in need. By hosting tennis tournaments, we are able to raise money to purchase, then donate these wheelchairs. We are aiming to help in underserved disability communities within Southeastern Michigan, such as Wayne and Washtenaw Counties

USTA Leagues are declaring teams again!

SEMTA USTA section

Chelsea "Make A Wish" tournament is back (with an adult division).

WHEN: August 6th, 7th and 8th 2021 (Friday play will only happen if necessary)

WHERE: Chelsea High School (740 N. Freer), Beach Middle School

COST: $30 for Singles, $20 for doubles per player, $40 for singles and doubles.

HOW TO ENTER: Return this form to 500 Washington St, Chelsea MI, 48118, or email the form to:

Silent auction will be on site! Concessions will be back this year as well!

All money from entry fees, silent auction, and concessions will be donated to Make a Wish Michigan!

USTA Leagues

SEMTA USTA section updates

AAACTA events

Social Drop-In Tennis in Ann Arbor

Summer Tournament

COVID related pages

March 2020 update

September 2020 update

Current COVID policy (Jan 2021)

Oracle ATP Challenger

Oracle Series

Daily schedule

    January 6-12, 2020

100th! Ann Arbor city tournament is on

2019 100th City Tournament:
Adult Mixed: June 6-9
Adult Singles: June 19-23
Adult Doubles: July 10-14
Sponsorship Brochure

Chelsea "Make A Wish" tournament is back (with an adult division).

The tournament will run on August 3rd, 4th, and 5th at the Chelsea courts. We have 8 at the high school, and 8 at the middle school for a total of 16. There is a two match guarantee for all players, and 100% of all money brought in will be sent directly to the Make a Wish Foundation. Although this will be a competitive tournament, there will be no USTA points or rankings involved. In addition to the tournament, there will be concessions and a silent auction, with all proceeds going straight to the Make a Wish Foundation as well.

What I am asking of you is the following:
If you are a tennis coach, either send this to your players or send me an email with everyone's address and I will happily send out the flyers.
If you are an Adult tennis player/coach/captain, do the same.
If you are interested in playing, fill out the attached flyer and send it back. I would love to get some early entries!
If you are a tennis teaching pro, and would be interested in donating a lesson for the silent auction, please let me know.

2018 99th City Tournament:
Adult Singles: June 21-25
Adult Doubles: July 14-16
Sponsorship Brochure

Grass Court Mixer At Wessen Club

    WE have FOUR GRASSCOURT MIXERS COMING UP. The first one is Mon, July 16th from 4-6. The second one is Mon, July 16th from 6-8. The 3rd GRASSCOURT MIXER is Mon, Aug 27th from 4-6 & finally, the last grasscourt mixer is Mon, Aug 27th from 6-8.

Third Coast Tennis started up last year

Cayman Sports Store has moved to the new locaton last winter

    We've moved. Our new address: 516 S. Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Grass Court Mixer At Wessen Club

    The Grasscourt mixer is 8/14. Since time is running late for the grasscourt mixer THIS MON(all ages welcome),
    You should e-mail Remember we have 2 shifts(4-6 & 6-8) and remember you must wear 90% white attire(tennis shoes can be any color).
    ****New Grass Court Matchplay #2
    Monday, Aug 14th; 6-8:00pm. (rescheduled)
    Matchplay @ THE WESSEN LAWN TENNIS CLUB located @ 235 Wessen Street. Pontiac, Mi.

2017 City Tournament:

    Adult Mixed Doubles: June 10-11 - registration has started.
    Adult Singles: June 21-25
    Adult Doubles: July 14-16
    Sponsorship Brochure

Jim Holman Tennis Mixer to Benefit U of M Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Saturday, May 20, 2017, at the VTC from 10AM to 6PM
    Elementary Children 10-11 AM $10
    Middle school 11-12 PM $10
    High school 12-1:45 PM $20
    Adults under 40 2:15-4 PM $40
    Injury prevention and rehab clinic 3-5 PM (included with registration)
    Adults over 40 4-6 PM $40

Swimming, aerobics, racquet sports slash risk of death, study says CNN November 30, 2016

Summar USTA League registrations have started - time to find a team

First Annual PickleBall Tourney
March 26, 2016

  • Congrats to VTC 4.0 Ladies USTA Team - Midwest Champions and Nationals Bronze Medal Winners

    Congratulations to team captain Chiquita Berg and all players and supporting staff including current and past AATC participants: Chiquita, Ann Marie, Dr. Kim, Steve K., Carly, Stephanie, Fusaka and many others

    Free Tennis and Health Clinic

  • Saturday, May 31, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, June 1, 2015 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • University of Michigan Varsity Tennis Center
  • To register call (734) 434-5650.
  • Website:

    Save these dates for the 2015 City Tennis Tournament:
    Adult Mixed Doubles: June 6-7
    Adult Singles: July 8-12
    Adult Doubles: July 24-26
    Juniors: July 22-24

    Support Huron Men's Tennis

    Come play with the 2011, 2012, and 2013 STATE-winning Men's Tennis Team!
    Saturday, September 6
    (Rain date: September 7)
    Noon-3:00 p.m.
    Chippewa Club, 2525 Golfside Drive, Ypsilanti MI 48197
    Round Robin Play with light lunch and RAFFLE
    $50 donation -- please make checks out to Huron Booster Club with the memo line: Men's Tennis Team
    Raffle Tickets: 1 for $3 or 3 for $5

    Contact Stefan Welch at or 734.717.7317, or Christine Brenner at or 734-657-0465
    by September 3rd and include the name of the player and their NTRP rating.

    Free Tennis Clinic

  • Brochure
  • Sunday, August 31, 2014 4 - 6 p.m.
  • To register, please email or call (734) 434-5650.
  • Website:

    USTA Season is Over, but not for all

    Congratulations to E-club players Paul, Craig, Tom Rhodes, Natalie, Huda for winning their USTA flights! Super congrats to my buddy Jim Wiedmayer for winning the State championship and best luck in Sectionals!

    Ann Arbor City Tournament

  • Check out Ann Arbor Tennis Tournament website for results.
    Congratulations to Kelly Belcher, Rich Mintz and Al Tamkus - all Finalists in AA Tournament.

    Free Tennis Clinic

  • The Professional Educators Group, Inc. invites you to participate or just come out to observe Free Tennis Clinic and Health Fair!
    Saturday, May 31, 2014 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
    Sunday, June 1, 2014 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • There will be several Tennis Instructors leading everyone in games and drills! Moreover, the event will be facilitated indoors!
  • Please share with your colleagues and friends! Adults and kids are invited! The tennis skill levels are beginner to intermediate!
  • To register, please email or call (734) 434-5650.
  • Website:

    Ann Arbor City Tournament

  • Check out Ann Arbor Tennis Tournament website for dates and other info on 2014 AA tennis tournaments.

    Free Tennis Clinic

  • On Sunday, September 1, 2013 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., The Professional Educators Group, Inc. invites you to participate or just come out to observe it's "Season Finale" - Free Tennis Clinic and Healthy Lifestyle Workshop! Flier attached for your convenience!
  • There will be several Tennis Instructors leading everyone in games and drills! Moreover, the event will be facilitated indoors!
  • Please share with your colleagues and friends! Adults and kids are invited! The tennis skill levels are beginner to intermediate!
  • To register, please email or call (734) 434-5650.
  • Website:

  • Success at Ann Arbor Tennis Tournament
  • All-AATC 6.0 final between Michelle Melis/Diane DeClerqe and Huda Fadel/Candace Meyers
  • M60+ Singles Championship by Wayne Snyder
  • 8.0 Semi-Final by James Douglass/Dharshan Mendoza
  • 7.0 Semi-Finals by Miriam Dodson
  • 7.0 Semi-Finals by Peter Hubbard and Tom Belcher
  • 7.0 Mixed Semi-Finals by Kelly and Tom Belcher
  • 6.0 Mixed Semi-final by Barb Mintz

  • The first and second rounds of the NCAA Women Tennis Tournament.
    Friday, May 10 - Saturday, May 11 of 2013
    Please note that since this is an NCAA event, tickets are required and are $6 for adults and $4 for youths and seniors (over 55). Tickets can be purchased on site.
    Matches will be played at the U-M Varsity Tennis Center, 2250 South State Street.

  • 2013 VTA (Visionary Tennis Association) Tennis Classic will take place May 30st - June 2rd, 2013 at Varsity Tennis Center

    The National Family Tennis Championships are coming to Washtenaw County!
    Dexter High School will be hosting this special event June 13-16, 2013
    Events include Husband/Wife, Brother/Sister, Mother/Daughter, Mother/Son, Father/Daughter, and Father/Son. Winners from our local tournament advance to the Super Regional Playoff at the Plaza Tennis Center, Kansas City, MO. Playoff winners in Kansas City earn a trip to NYC to compete for the title of National Champion!

  • Check out Ann Arbor Tennis Tournament website for more info on AA tennis tournaments.

  • The first and second rounds of the NCAA Tennis Tournament.
    Friday, May 11 - Saturday, May 12 2012
    Please note that since this is an NCAA event, tickets are required and are $6 for adults and $4 for youths and seniors (over 55). Tickets can be purchased on site.
    Matches will be played at the U-M Varsity Tennis Center, 2250 South State Street.

  • High-School Tennis Team Fund Raisers - support our schools
    Skyline Tennis Fundraiser on 5/12/12 at 12-3pm (or so)

  • Here's hoping you'll join us Friday, May 18th for an evening of tennis,
    to raise funds for ALS in honor of George Peapples.
    The event is at Liberty Athletic Club.
    Just call the club and say you'll be there: 734-665-3738.

  • Chippewa Open House takes place on May 20th, 11-3pm Here is the Flyer

  • 2012 VTA (Visionary Tennis Association) Tennis Classic will take place May 31st - June 3rd, 2012 at Varsity Tennis Center

    Tennis Channel is now included in the standard Comcast package

  • Just in time for the Austarlian open
  • HD version is on channel 184 (Ann Arbor Comcast Line up)
  • non-HD version is on channel 738 (Ann Arbor Comcast Line up)
  • Due to federal law case about discrimination of tennis vs. golf and others. See details in the NY Times article
  • This update is courtesy of Dave Lewis and Mark Haddox

    High-School Tennis Team Fund Raisers - support our schools

  • Pioneer Tennis (9/18/11)
  • Huron Women Tennis (9/18/11)
  • Skyline Tennis (9/25/11)

    USTA Flex Leauge in Ann Arbor - registration deadline 9/22/11

  • See the announcment for details

  • AAACTA's RAISE A RACKET Charity event is on Saturday, May 21, 7 - 11 pm at UM Varsity Tennis Center Be there or be square.

  • VTA (Visionary Tennis Association) Tennis Classic will be held Thursday, June 2 to Sunday, June 5, 2011 at University of Michigan Varsity Tennis Center. Registration dealine is only a few days away. Hurry up!!!

  • Irfan's organized trip to USOpen from AA is avialable for booking again this year.

  • Ann Arbor Tennis Tournament is open for online registration
    MIXED DOUBLES           JUNE 11th & JUNE 12th                           
    DOUBLES			JULY 29th - JULY 31st
    SINGLES			JULY 13th - JULY 17th                              
    JUNIORS			JULY 28th & JULY 29th

    2010 Ann Arbor City Tournament Website
    offers online registration at 2010 Tournament Page

    2010 VTA (Visionary Tennis Association) Tennis Classic will take place June 3 - June 6, 2010 at Varsity Tennis Center

      All Ski-Club Mens 3.5 Doubles Final
      Congratulations to Finalists Nathan and Rob and Champions Poonlarp and Josh
      All Ski-Club Mens Senior Singles Final
      Congratulations to Finalist Mike Quail and Champion Wayne Snyder
      Ski-Club Mens 3.5 Singles Finalist
      Congratulations to Angelo Quail

    Ann Arbor Tennis Academy opens on Ann Arbor west side

    2009 Ann Arbor City Tournament Website
    offers online registration at 2009 Tournament Page

    2009 VTA Tournament is June 4th to June 6th
    Look for VTA Registration Forms at Local Tennis Clubs

      All Ski-Club Mens 3.5 Doubles Final
      Congratulations to Finalists Wayne Snyder and Rob Tinney
      and Champions Mike Kozakiewicz and Egor Alekseev

    Mike Quail is looking for players for Summer Mixed 6.0 USTA team.
    Please contact mquail wccnet edu

    Rod Fracassi is looking for players for Summer Varsity 3.0 USTA team.
    Please contact fracassi.roderick con-way com

    The Tefft Park tennis courts (behind the Saline Rec Center) are now open and ready for players! Remember the courts are newly resurfaced thanks to funding from the CARES millage. The surface is a technology called Nova Pro Bounce. The lights will be on until 9:00 pm until schools break for the summer.

    Congrats to Liberty Ladies Combo 6.5 USTA Team - Midwest Champions

    Success of AASC Tennis Players in 2008 Tennis Events


    2008 USTA Leagues Playoffs

    Liberty - Quail Men 3.0, 2008 USTA SouthEastern Michigan District Semi-finalists

    AA Rec & Ed Men 3.5, 2nd in their flight

    VTC - Hall Women 3.5, 2008 USTA Michigan State Champions


    2008 Ypsi Open Tennis Tournament


    Paul Mcveigh and Rob Tinney, Mens B Doubles, Finalists

    Jim O Connor and Dave Parker, Mens B Doubles, Semi-Finals


    Heather Conway-Visser, Ladies B Champion


    2008 Ann Arbor City Tournament

    Mens Doubles

    Mike Tran and Kevin Tang, 6.0, Champions

    Michael Coffey and Cliff Broman, 6.0 Quarter-Finals

    Egor Alekseev and Paul McVeigh, 7.0, Quarter-Finals

    Tom Rhodes and Jason Flewelling, 7.0, Semi-Finals

    Ladies Doubles

    Anne-Marie Kim and Hisae Yoshihara, 6.0, Champions

    Mixed Doubles

    Anne-Marie Kim and Jim Herter, 7.0, Champions

    Jim O Connor and Laurel Fingerle, 7.0 Finalists

    Tom Wielenga and Sue Kiss, 7.0, Semi-Finalists


    Gray Robert, Mens Singles 3.5, Champion

    Heather Conway-Visser, Ladies 3.5 Quarter-Final

    Michael Coffey, Mens Singles 3.0, Quarter-Final

    Tom Rhodes, Mens Singles 4.0, Round of 16


    2007 VTA Tennis Tournament

    Jim O'Connor, Mens Singles 3.5 Champion


    Success of AASC Tennis Players in 2007 Tennis Events

    2007 End-of-the-Year Ratings

    The following Ski Club playears have advanced to 3.5 rating in 2007: Jet Hall, Sue Kiss, Liz Perri, Hisae Yoshihara, Dave Parker, Scott Hadley, Dave Lewis, Rick Mintz, Don Kwon, Egor Alekseev, Frederic Boissinot, Andrew Emerson, Steve Soltz


    2007 Ypsi Open Tennis Tournament


    Jim O'Connor and Rob Tinney, Mens C Doubles, Champions

    Dave Parker, Mens C Doubles, Runner-Up


    Dave Parker, Mens C Singles, Runner-Up

    2007 USTA Leagues Playoffs

    Liberty - StPierre Men 3.0, 2nd in their division

    VTC - Hall Women 3.5, tied for 2nd in their division

    AA Rec & Ed Men 3.5, tied for 1st in their flight

    Huron Valley Men 3.0, 2007 USTA SouthEastern Michigan District Semi-finalists

    VTC - Kiss Women 3.0, 2007 USTA SouthEastern Michigan District Semi-finalists

    Liberty - Hadley Men 3.0, 2007 USTA Michigan State Champions

    2007 Ann Arbor City Tournament

    Mens Doubles

    Dave Parker, 6.0, Runner-Up

    Jim O'Connor and Rob Tinney, 7.0, Quarter-Final

    Chris VanSchoick, 8.0, Runner-Up

    Ladies Doubles

    Sue Kiss and Liz Perri, 6.0, Runner-Up

    Heather Conway-Visser and Jet Hall, 7.0, Semi-Finalists

    Mixed Doubles

    Dave Parker and Sue Kiss, 6.0, Champions

    Carolyn Pearson, 6.0, Runner-Up

    Jim O'Connor and Jet Hall, 7.0, Quarter-Final


    Rick Mintz, Mens Singles 3.0 Semi-Final

    Egor Alekseev, Mens Singles 3.0, Quarter-Final

    Gray Robert, Mens Singles 3.5, Quarter-Final

    2007 VTA Tennis Tournament

    Kelly Elliot, Mens Singles 4.0, Runner-up

    Sonny Sheth, Mens Singles 3.5, Semi-Final

    Juan Fco Quirindongo, Mens Singles 3.5, Semi-Final

    Hisae Yoshihara, Ladies Singles 3.0, Runner-Up

    Jim O'Connor, Mens Doubles 7.0 Champion

    USTA Leagues

    The following USTA teams have many Ski Club members:
    AA Rec & Ed Men 3.0 
    AA Rec & Ed Men 3.5
    Liberty - Hadley Men 3.0
    Varsity - Wielenga Men 3.5
    Huron Valley Men 3.0
    Huron Valley Mixed 6.0
    AA Rec & Ed Mixed 6.0
    AA Rec & Ed Mixed 7.0
    Liberty - Yoshihara Mixed 7.0
    VTC - Kiss Women 3.0
    VTC - Hall Women 3.5
    VTC - Woodland Women 4.0
    VTC - Veeraraghavan Men 4.0

    Success of AASC Tennis Players in 2006 Tennis Tournaments

    2006 VTA Tennis Tournament

    Stephanie Debosch, Ladies Singles 3.5, Runner-up

    Kelly Elliot, Mens Singles 3.5, Runner-up

    2006 Ann Arbor City Tournament


    Motoki Suzuki, Mens Singles 3.0 Seated #1

    Linda Riddick-Lews, Ladies Singles 3.0, Runner-Up

    Stephanie Debosch, Ladies Singles 3.0, Champion, a photo courtesy of Mr. Debosch Sr.

    Robert Gray, Mens Singles 3.5, Round of 16

    Irfan Bhabhrawala, Mens Singles 4.0, Round of 16

    Mixed Doubles

    Irfan Bhabhrawala and Stacey Pomranski, Mixed Doubles 7.0, Semi-Finals

    Chris Van Schoick and Angie VanSchoick, Mixed Doubles 7.0, Round of 16

    Patrick Lee and Hisae Yoshihara, Mixed Doubles 7.0, Quarter-Finals

    Women's Doubles

    Lynn Henry and Hisae Yoshihara, Women Doubles 6.0, Runner-Up

    Stacey Pomranski and Lisa Emily, Women Doubles 6.0, Quarter-Finals

    Men's Doubles

    Chris Van Schoick and Josh Weil, Mens Doubles 4.0, Semi-Finals

    Paul McVeigh and Mohammed Saraha, Mens Doubles 3.5, Quater-Finals

    Egor Alekseev and Nik Lulgjaraj, Mens Doubles 3.0, Semi-Finals

    2006 Ypsi Open Tennis Tournament


    Linda Riddick-Lews, Ladies Singles, Semi-Finals

    Stephanie Debosch, Ladies Singles, Runner-Up

    Jim O'Connor, Mens C Doubles, Quarter-Finals

    Egor Alekseev, Mens C Doubles, Runner-Up

    USTA Adult Leagues Championships

    USTA Leaugue Teams advanced to SE Michigan District Playoffs:

    Darrell Washington - HURON VALLEY - OPIE SEM40M TUF3

    Mike Coffey, Mark Haddox, Egor Alekseev - LIBERTY - HADLEY SEM30M MF3

    Hisae Yoshihara, Ruth Braun - LIBERTY - SPENCE SEM30NW MF6

    Please send me any additional information or corrections. Thanks

    Contact Egor Alekseev with questions
    Ann Arbor Tennis Club

    Last updated: 9/3/2011

    Counter: TBD