AATC Doubles League Sign-up Information
Signup process for Spring 2025 on Saturdays Session is now open.
Ann Arbor Tennis Club registration is open!!! Sign Up TODAY for the SPRING SATURDAY TENNIS League!! Dates: Start on Saturday March 1st thru thru May 3rd (10 weeks) Change - No break for Easter Weekend A FUN mostly Mixed Doubles for 2.5-3.0 and above level players at the Chippewa Club 🎾 2525 Golfside Drive, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 10 weeks = $180, two split positions are $95 each We will have 3 available courts: that's only 12 total places! So, sign up NOW or get shut out!!! Reply to this e-mail (do it now, so you don't forget!!!) to reserve your place on the roster! If you share a place, contact your place-sharer and organize your schedules. If you want to share a place w/someone, let me know - I'll do my best to hook you up. Please include your name, gender, current e-mail, and a Saturday phone number. Thanks! - - - LMP See "Payment Policy" for details on dealing with NSF checks. As always - check AATC website for updates. |