AATC Doubles League Sign-up Information

Signup process for Spring 2025 on Saturdays Session is now open.

For Sunday Signup Info

Please email aatennisclub@gmail.com if you want to be added to the waiting or sub list or looking to split a spot.
As of 2/7/25 there are 3 players signed up and 9 open spots. 
As of 2/17/25 there are 11 players signed up and one or half open spots. 
Ann Arbor Tennis Club registration is open!!!


Start on Saturday March 1st thru thru May 3rd (10 weeks)
Change - No break for Easter Weekend

A FUN mostly Mixed Doubles for 2.5-3.0 and above level players at 
the Chippewa Club 🎾 2525 Golfside Drive, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 

10 weeks =  $180, two split positions are $95 each

We will have 3 available courts: that's only 12 total places! So, sign up NOW or get shut out!!! 

Reply to this e-mail (do it now, so you don't forget!!!) to reserve your place on the roster!

If you share a place, contact your place-sharer and organize your schedules. If you want to share a place w/someone, let me know - I'll do my best to hook you up.  

Please include your name, gender, current e-mail, and a Saturday phone number. 

Thanks! - - - LMP

See "Payment Policy" for details on dealing with NSF checks.

As always - check AATC website for updates.